Author Name : Dr. Ritu Kadyan
Publisher Name : ER Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-81-937741-9-9
ISBN : 978-81-937741-9-9
Dental caries is a multifactorial, infectious, microbiologic disease of teeth that result in localized dissolution and distruction of the calcified tissues which leads to cavity formation. The aim of the restorative dentistry is to restore the carious or the damaged tooth structure with various materials to re-establish the normal form and function. Of the oldest restorative materials used in dentistry silver amalgam was the first material to be used to restore the defected or diseased teeth due to its favorable properties, easy handling characteristics and obtaining of appropriate contacts. However, one of the disadvantages of extensive restorations in silver amalgam is that, since it does not stick to dental structure, it does not reinforce the weak walls of the cavity because of its low resiliency and high modulus of elasticity. This limits its use in cavities where the enamel is not supported by dentin. In addition mercury toxicity and lack of adhesiveness to dental structure required cavity design with mechanical retention at the expense of healthy tooth structure, which increases its fracture susceptibility.
Dr. Ritu Kadyan