The Creative Cortex: A Journey into Generative AI and Neuroscience
Author Name : Bharath Kumar Nagaraj
Publisher Name : Enhanced Research Publications
ISBN-No.: 978-81-961200-9-2
This embarks on an illuminating expedition, delving deep into the intricate interplay between two cutting-edge realms: Generative AI and Neuroscience. This captivating journey navigates the enigmatic landscapes of artificial creativity and cognitive neuroscience, shedding light on the profound connections between the ...
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Juvenile Delinquents and Adolescents
Author Name : Kadim Lovakumari
Publisher Name : Enhanced Research Publications
ISBN-No.: 978-81-951756-2-8
ABSTRACT The present study aims to investigate systematically through cognitive behaviour therapy to decrease delinquent behaviour in juveniles or adolescents. The Visakhapatnam district has taken as the study area, and a sample of 150 respondents covered (75 males 75 females, ages 13 ...
Author Name : Dr. Varsha Goel
Publisher Name : EV Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-93-84922-59-7
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Core Concepts ISBN : 978-93-84922-59-7 Financial management is such a managerial process which is concerned with the planning and control of financial resources. Financial management was started as a separate subject of study in the 20th century. Till now it ...
Author Name : Sarita
Publisher Name : EV Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-93-84922-62-7
‘बन्धन विहीना’ में नारी-चेतना ISBN: 978-93-84922-62-7 “साहित्य समाज का दर्पण होता है। साहित्य की सषक्त विधा उपन्यास है, क्योंकि इसमें जीवन का समग्र चित्रण होता है। समाज की वास्तविकताओं का यथार्थ चित्रण होता है। कहानी जहाँ समस्या के एक अंष का एक कोण से ...
Space Management in Pedodontics using Removable & Fixed Appliances
Author Name : Dr. Swati Garg
Publisher Name : ER Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-81-937741-8-2
Space Management in Pedodontics using Removable & Fixed Appliances ISBN : 978-81-937741-8-2 Pediatric dentistry has shifted from a preventive and conservative restorative approach towards a concept of complete pediatric dental care. Thus, it has now become the responsibility of pediatric dentist to take ...
Author Name : Dr. Ritu Kadyan
Publisher Name : ER Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-81-937741-9-9
EVALUATION OF MICROHARDNESS OF DIFFERENT RESIN COMPOSITES ISBN : 978-81-937741-9-9 Dental caries is a multifactorial, infectious, microbiologic disease of teeth that result in localized dissolution and distruction of the calcified tissues which leads to cavity formation. The aim of the restorative dentistry is ...
Author Name : डाॅ. महेन्द्र सिंह
Publisher Name : ER Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-81-933004-2-8
मुझे चाँद चाहिए: नारी चेतना हिन्दी उपन्यास साहित्य जगत में सुरेन्द्र वर्मा जी का योगदान अविस्मरणीय है। एक साहित्यकार अपनी वैयक्तिकता को पिघला कर उसे समाजीकृत रूप में प्रस्तुत करता है। व्यैक्तिकता को निवैयक्तिकता में परिणित करना ही कला है जो पाठकों ...
Publisher Name : EV Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-93-84922-41-2
GENETIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE SYNTHETIC SHEEP POPULATION The present study was undertaken with the objectives to study the effects of non-genetic factors, to estimate phenotypic and genetic parameters and phenotypic and genetic trends and divergence analysis of synthetic sheep population. The data ...
Author Name : डाॅ. रामभगत शास्त्री
Publisher Name : EV Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-93-84922-57-3
यक्ष युधिष्ठिर प्रश्नोत्तर ...
Author Name : डाॅ. महेन्द्र सिंह
Publisher Name : ER Publications, India
ISBN-No.: 978-81-933004-0-4
उपन्यास सम्राट मुंशी प्रेमचन्द के बाद मनोवैज्ञानिक कथाकार जैनेन्द्र से हिन्दी कथा साहित्य एक नई करवट लेता है; और वह नई करवट है, मनोविज्ञान की। जैनेन्द्र से हिन्दी साहित्य में मनोविज्ञान की षुरूआत होती है। मनोविज्ञान में व्यक्ति के आंतरिक्ष पक्ष ...