In the past couple of years, science has exposed its potential in various areas, connecting humans to the molecules we are made of. We live in this universe, the universe lives within us. We are special because we are the same. The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. One of the most important messages the people of science conceived is, situations need an interdisciplinary approach to reach a practical and a useful conclusion. There are problems that require solutions to ensure the human race lives in a globally sustainable environment that influences life in every aspect from dust to DNA. The curiosity of the human mind has ability to seek answers anywhere it flourishes, from home to lab; from the petri plate to the computer software remedy awaits itself to be acknowledged by the questioning mind. The important thing is never to stop questioning. Through the main motif of the conference an attempt is made to give platform to researchers for showcasing their curiosity in Life Sciences. The hot topics of the subject help in bestowing the real potential of research which will be set new questions for the never ending exploration and setting a new expedition.