Call For Papers, IJERSTE, Vol. 12, Issue 2, February 2023, Impact Factor: 7.957, UGC Approved, International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Published papers will be indexed in Google Scholar, Thomson Reuters researcherid, Endnotes, Orcid and Various search engines worldwide like Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, Get-cited Entire Web and many more. Fast Publications Services within 1-2 days.
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A Survey on Different Threats of Network and Its Security Mechanism
C. Nagarani
Automated Semantic Role Labelling of Bengali-English Mixed Tweets
Sima Datta
Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Recron Synthetic Fiber Reinorced Concrete
A. Prithvi, Y. Venkata Sai, V. Giribabu
Overview on Solar Pond
Md Shahid Afridi, Ravinder Mohan, Santosh Kumar*, Geetesh Goga
Supermarket Classifying and Clustering Tb Racks Dataset Using Concepts from Data Mining Techniques
Mohini Dhummerkar, Dr. Neelesh Jain, Dr. Neeraj Gupta
Water Scarcity and the Upcoming Challenge of Sustainable Development
D. Santoshi Kumari
Seismic analysis of multistorey building with floating columns by Using staad. Pro software
T. Greeshma, Dr. K. Jayachandra, Akkurthi Yugesh
Kidney Stone: A Review
Dr. Rupali Tasgaonkar, Shivam Satyaprakash Nigam
Design and Analysis of Industrial Shed Using the Pre-Stressed Concrete
Y. Venkata Sai, A. Prithvi, Produtur Bhanodaya