Call For Papers, IJERMCA, Vol. 14, Issue 2, February2025, UGC Approved, International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Published papers will be indexed in Google Scholar, Thomson Reuters researcherid, Endnotes, Orcid and Various search engines worldwide like Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, Get-cited Entire Web and many more. Fast Publications Services within 1-2 days.
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Future and Challenges of 5G Technology in India
Deepika Joshi
"Transforming Customer Engagement through Social Media: AI Personalization as a Catalyst"
Mr. Modi Akhil, Dr. B. Gangaiah
Analyzing the Impact of Hybrid Work Models on Employee Engagement and Performance in the IT Industry
Baddigam Narendra Reddy, Nethi Sai Likhitha, Botla Sai Kumar Reddy, Dr. Dasari Rajesh Babu
Unraveling the Grey Market: Impacts on Luxury Brands, Pricing and Exclusivity
Manas Sakthivel, K Sahit Reddy, Mitesh Murthy, Sandhya S