Call For Papers, IJERSTE, Vol. 14, Issue 1, January 2025, UGC Approved, International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Published papers will be indexed in Google Scholar, Thomson Reuters researcherid, Endnotes, Orcid and Various search engines worldwide like Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, Get-cited Entire Web and many more. Fast Publications Services within 1-2 days.
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Phytochemistry and Antiinflammatory Potential of Aqueous Extract Costus Speciosus Rhizome, Growing in Wild in Lugu Pahar Forest (Bokaro) of Jharkhand
Debiprasad Mukherjee, Kalpana Prasad
To Study Bamboo as a Sustainable Eco-Friendly Alternative to Steel Rebar’s in RCC
Mahuya Debnath, Prof. Dr. Biman Mukharjee, Souvik Sharma
Phytochemistry and antiinflammatory potential of aqueous extract Costus speciosus rhizome, growing in wild in Lugu Pahar Forest (Bokaro) of
Debiprasad Mukherjee, Kalpana Prasad
Building Sustainable Roads by Incorporating Waste Ecoblend in HMA
Narendra Parthasarathy, Dr Nitin Bharadiya, Dr P L Naktode
Tracing the Development of Wildlife Protection Policies in Uttar Pradesh: An Analytical Study
Chhavi Gupta, Manoj Kumar, Jaivir Singh
Evolution of Oracle Database Architecture:
A Comparing Study of Oracle 10g and Oracle 21c in Terms of Cloud Integration, Automation, and Performance Optimization
Sultan Mohammed Alghamdi, Mohammed Ahmed Alomani
E - Mail Spam Detection Using Design Thinking
Lakshana Sree K L
Effect of High-Volume Substituted Nanosilica on the Hydration and Mechanical Properties of Ultra High-Performance Concrete (UHPC)
Akash Biswas, Dr Biman Mukherjee, Souvik Sarma