Call For Papers, IJERSTE, Vol. 14, Issue 3, March 2025, UGC Approved, International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Published papers will be indexed in Google Scholar, Thomson Reuters researcherid, Endnotes, Orcid and Various search engines worldwide like Google, Yahoo, UK Index, Europeana Libraries, Open Research, Get-cited Entire Web and many more. Fast Publications Services within 1-2 days.
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Effectiveness of Nutritional Supplements in Preventing Deficiencies
Dr Sangeeta Ahirwar
Therapeutic Potentials of Medicinal Plants in Modern Medicine
Dr. Ragini Sikarwar
The Synergy of Self-Healing Mechanism in High-Performance Concrete
Samuel Das, Sutapa Saha, Supratik Dey, Souvik Sharma, Prof. (Dr.) Biman Mukherjee
IoT based smart Transformer Monitoring System with Sensor Integration and Fault Alert over Long Range Communication
Asmita Sharma, R.P. Agarwal, Rajesh Singh
Seasonal Heat Index Patterns: A Predictive Model Analysis
Dr. Resmi R, Alfiya Mubarak, Anjana B, Nandana A S, Nidhi Raj, Dr. Lizy Abraham
UV Index Dynamics: Correlation Analysis
Dr Resmi R, Bhagya S Nair, Gobika G, Nandana A S, S B Deva Nanda, Dr. Lizy Abraham
Brief Study about the variation of Complexities in Searching and Sorting Algorithms
Rohit Yadav, Mr. Manoj Kumar